We have a dedicated ministry for videotaping our weekend and special liturgies. This ministry allows those who are unable to make it to the Church in person to watch the liturgy live or at a later date. This is a wonderful ministry, especially for our homebound parishioners. If you have good computer skills and are willing to learn how to use our state of the art equipment, this ministry might be for you! Scheduling is done in advance, so members can choose which liturgies they are available for. For more information, see the 'Livestream page' by clicking here.
In order to keep our website visually appealing and active, as well as other publications that the parish has a presence in, we need photographers who can be present at different events to capture what is happening by photography. By signing up to be on the list, you are simply agreeing to be contacted to see if you can photograph a particular event or occasion. There is no specific commitment other than to be on the list to be asked when needed.